Repost: The Siamese First Mission / Siam Neko / シャム猫 / ファーストミッション (2001) Movie
This is a repost of an old release for archiving purposes, the TL notes are the same.
While translating, I used hSa's chinese-hardsubbed video, then Mikezilla2 sent me a clean DVD video, used for v2. Now, [tribute] also released what could be considered a v3 with a better video due to encoding mumbo-jumbo.
In the loving [citation needed] memory of Catboy Monkey Punch
Translation: Catboy Perevodildo
Checking: Catboy Ziusudra
If you want yourself credited, whoever encoded this rip from the home release, lmk
Brought to you by the Sorcery Clowder
"Lux in Tenebris"
As much as I enjoy taking my field notes, it's the easiest to bitch about someone else's bad subtitles. But if I start bitching about my own bad subtitles, that'd make for one interesting French Reacharound (don't look that up on urban dictionary). So, ever since I ended up embarking on this man-made disaster, I'll excuse myself to writing yet another disastrous larger-than-life torrent description full of danking on authors and the genre, shan't I?
The one thing I generally feel for monkey punch's titles is the urge to get over with it ASAP. This movie was no exception. Effectively, I only sent Ziu the crib-gore of a script with the most exhaustive, crude, and cps-merciless variants of translations for the lines, as well as some of the most blatant misspells, leaving him to do the magic for this one. Ziu always ends up rewriting my lines topsy-turvy anyway {unless they present a particularly creative work of eloquence} and I don't necessarily mind it.¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Witty wordplay, inventive puns, genuinely fresh pivoting idea... You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!
Instead, this one is of the kind where you just encounter a checklist of MP's fetishes as an impedimenta [citation needed].
But well, at least it's not 1000 episodes long, which by default makes it better than Lupan as a whole.
Before you ask, Odaiba is the most important and well-infrastructured artificial island in the bay of Tokyo, i.e. in the heart of Japan, with a population of Little Rock AR and quite an iconic significance for the Japanese.
It goes without saying, Odaiba is bustling 24/7, hardly has any thicket, definitely has no secret military R&D facilities {or that's what I want you to think} and nuclear power plants. If you ever happen to actually watch this fansub, at any point wondering how stupid it would be to run one on this island, wonder no more!
This project's roots go back in time deeper than you'd think: Ziusudra expressed his wish to make this available, and I had a half-done script in russian lying around, so I put 2 and 2 together, because I owe Ziu one for making him do some of the initial Lucy-May build-up that we eventually had to scrap last June, even though I personally see this an anime version of an Uwe Boll movie, affectionately dubbing it a Dirty Pair knockoff while not even holding the original dirty pair in any high regard. Well, at least I had my fun goofing around the stupidity of the movie's uninspired decisions in {tl notes}, or slandering it in unneededly gargantuan torrent description that dwarfs in sizes the original movie scenario.
We did, forsooth, have some hot debate over this sub, but I daresay it was due to us being an incompetent bunch, dumping our work on one another, rather than trying to come up with the most elegant translation solution, some of which we impudently stole from catgirl Muzunnyawa's suggestions without ever giving him props in credits.
But that was all she nyawn for today, see you in other descriptions. Stay nyadrated.
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