Repost: Animentary Ketsudan (Decision) TV - 01


This is a post about an old release for archiving purposes, the TL notes are the same as before. 

[BGM for reading]( | [AniDB](

RAWs: Korean partisans leader Moozzi2 from [this release](
Translation: survivor of two atomic bombings [Perevodildo]( 
Checking: kamikaze squadron commander Ziusudra 
OCR-shenanigans: cipher cracker wispers 
Misc cues for the lines I was too lazy to get to the bottom of: midget submarine pilot History Asian

Brought to you by the Sorcery Party 
"Lux in Tenebris" 

Well, nobody asked for this, yet here it is. We here at Sorcery Party have been eyeing this series for the longest time ever. My personal forays into it date as far back as 2019. So finally, last year some gonzo guy named History Asian *subbed* it and uploaded on youtube. Now, you'd probably think "so much for a poignant write-up," but don't be so rash in your judgement, my dear disciple. I am going to make a long speech today; I haven’t had time to prepare a short one.
So anyway, as my investigation progressed, this lad had proven himself not just an Asian and a History, but also just as shell-shocked and divine-winded as you'd expect a guy named this way to be. 

First off, he was uploading piss yellow hardsubs in 2020... Questionable but plausable. 
Things only really went south after he finished his release, never sharing the softsubs and never responding to our leaflets or others' attempts at contacting him, probably hiding in Philipino jungle to this day, believing the war is still ongoing. In the meantime, his "translation" gained some traction, bringing to light all the more reasons why, despite being technically subbed, it was yet too soon to consider this series no longer my concern. Therefore I buckled up, brought out of the closet my grandpa's WW2 black latex diving suit, prepared for the worst and delved in. 

Two months after HA never read my plea for sharing softs, I figured it's going to be an OCR-powered journey. The task has been carried out bravely by the Third Imperial OCRing Fleet commander, Tesseradmiral wispers. His selfless devotion to this project has been remarkable. Even while everyone was telling him those subtitles are next to worthless, he kept putting more effort into OCRing them, than the HA had probably put into making them in the first place. Why didn't I OCR it myself? Well, I had the indiscretion of asking for advice on doing it right in a public chat at Inka's, provoking mr wispers to volunteer for it. Or should I rather say he took it as a personal challenge, after finding out the vids HA put up on youtube were a 480p DVDrips, uploaded in 1080p with his watermark occupying half of the screen, paired with pillarboxing on the sides, and subtitles themselves all starting with a ">" and being rarely comprised by less than 3 lines, said by different people? The very concept sounds tantalazing enough already, innit?

Once the ~~subs~~ OCR'd mess has been delivered, it also spent 3 months in my closet because in the meantime, I got myself busy with Taruruuto and the only other person who cares for Animentary Ketsudan - with Haikara-san. When wispers finally poked me about the fate of his work, I got around to looking into it, because I have long ago lost the ability to be productive towards my projects without someone cracking their whip at me. 

Boy, do I tell you often that working on a particular sub had taken away the remnants of my sanity? Well, apparently, I do. Thus I was sure I had none left in me, or else why would I pick up a series like that. Actually, the most based, the chaddest, the manliest, most racist nordic gamer series that gave me sixpack abs just from translating one episode of it. 
So, anyway, among my discoveries were...
• History Asian does, forsooth, speak Japan, to some extent and to my shame. 
• History Asian does not, alas, speak any England whatsoever, all of his subs are the simplest in production google machine translations, without a bit of attention for the output. But at least, I can sometimes reverse-engineer his lines back to Japan and deduce the exact words. 
• Our judgement has been correct on account of this series deserving attention and a good translation. Partly because we both value the rare and odd, doubly so historical, fourthly so historically accurate, educational, unique and off the beaten track. Party because we both attend the same far-right clandestine cell of the Glory of Imperial Japan adherents. And here, we see the most honorable example of an animated documentary movie that your history teacher might as well put on during the class whenever she feels like courting the PE teacher instead of attending to you. Hell, it is sometimes even more accurate than the history books. I've been watching some documentary the other day where the host said "FDR was advocating battleships over aircraft carriers" which is a whole lot of bollocks according to my sources and the first episode of this anime [Smith, Jean Edward (2007). FDR. Random House. ISBN 978-1-4000-6121-1]. 
Conversely, the 7 planes shot down by friendly fire from AA facilities over Oahu, were not the entirety of relief forces sent from Enterprise, as the anime version states it, but only a part of the group comprised by 17 SBDs.[Shepherd, Joel (2003). "USS Enterprise CV-6: The Most Decorated Ship of the Second World War"]. 
• This is something not related to translation, but probably should have been included in the series called "Animentary: Decision," centered around how important it is for a commander to take a decisive and quick action during a crisis - "Report of Action, Sunday Morning, December 7, 1941." by "LIEUTENANT COMMANDER JOHN S. HARPER, U.S. NAVY, DAMAGE CONTROL OFFICER AND FIRST LIEUTENANT, U.S.S. West Virginia": 
>At this time, water commenced to pour down the trunk leading to central station and the watertight door to that trunk was closed and dogged. Certain men banged and hammered on the port door from the trunk leading to central stating that there was water filling the trunk and wanted entrance into central. In as much as we still had communication and counter-flooding seemed to be taking effect, I refused to allow my men with me to open this door and directed the men outside to try to get through Plot and around to the starboard side in order to enter through the starboard door which was not yet leaking water. At the same time, I directed repair II to attempt to open the armored hatch above the trunk in order to let these men escape. Repair II reported back that there was about three feet of water above the hatch and they were unable to open it. I believe that these men were lost, as I am quite certain no further personnel entered central through the starboard door[].

Next episode is coming once someone pokes me to translate it. Banzai! 

[DDL]( | [Subs only](
